Gluten-Free Brewing: Techniques, Processes, and Ingredients for Crafting Flavorful Beer


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The ubiquity of gluten-containing grains, such as barley, wheat, and rye, in modern-day brewing has prevented many potential consumers from fully enjoying the craft beer revolution. Individuals who have celiac disease, non-celiac gluten intolerance, or gluten sensitivity (as well as those who simply feel better when they avoid gluten) have historically been unable to enjoy today’s characterful beers. But many other types of grain can be used to brew beer of all styles; such alternative grains greatly expand the options available to beer lovers and brewers who cannot or choose not to ingest gluten, or those who just want to experiment with new and interesting flavors.

Gluten-Free Brewing includes a discussion of available gluten-free ingredients, how to source them, and how to malt them. Explore the world of ancient grains and adjuncts and learn how today’s malted and roasted varieties can be used to brew to-style beers. Learn about different mashing techniques, when to use them, what additional ingredients and enzymes can help throughout the brewing process, and how they can deliver specific flavors in your beer. Take a deep dive into recipe formulation and fermentation challenges, as well as flavor, body, head retention, and color considerations when using these not-so-alternative grains to create mainstream flavors.

More than 30 tested recipes are included to help brewers explore British, German, Belgian, New World, and ancient-style beers. Gluten-Free Brewing will teach you how to brew full-flavored, world-class gluten-free beers.

About the author:

Robert Keifer discovered craft beer in his early 20s and started living a gluten-free lifestyle shortly thereafter. Dismayed by the lack of selection and choices for gluten-free beer, Robert’s friend taught him how to homebrew.

His curiosity and quest for excellent gluten-free beer bordered on obsession and propelled Robert into teaching and sharing his knowledge of gluten-free brewing at the American Homebrewers Association® (AHA) Homebrew Con™ in 2018 and 2019.

He is a frequent guest on podcasts and has written for Brew Your Own,, and; one of his recipes was featured in Zymurgy®, the AHA’s bimonthly magazine. Robert is a member of the Zero Tolerance Gluten-Free Homebrewing Club, and he co-founded a gluten-free brewery, Divine Science Brewing Company, with his wife, with whom he resides in Orange County, California.

Additional information

Weight .7 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 9 × 2 in


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