Imperial B44 Whiteout 155ml


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SKU: IMP-B44 Categories: ,


The go-to brewing yeast strain for wit beers.

Whiteout produces an excellent balance of spicy phenolic character and esters. Along with the necessary aromatics, this strain produces a significant amount of acidity which is perfect for wits and other light colored Belgian ales. Whiteout can be a strong top-cropper during early fermentation, then settle back down through the beer in the latter stages. This may lead to slower than normal fermentation.

  • Flocculation: Low-Medium
  • Attenuation: 72-76%
  • Temperature Range: 6272 °F / 1722 °C
  • Alcohol Tolerance: 10%
  • Haze: Low
  • Phenolic Off-Flavor: Positive
  • Diastatic: Negative
  • Estery, Spicy, Wit

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 2 in


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