Imperial B64 Napoleon 155ml


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SKU: IMP-B64 Categories: ,


Classic strain to produce French Saison where a balance of fruit esters and spicy phenols are necessary.

This yeast is an insane wort attenuator. Napoleon will destroy the sugars in your saison and farmhouse beers – even the ones in which most brewer’s strains have no interest. When all is said and done, Napoleon produces very dry, crisp beers with nice citrus aromas balanced by subtle black pepper phenols. Yeast settling times can be long, usually requiring filtration for bright beers. This strain tests positive for the STA1 gene via PCR analysis and is therefore considered to be Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus

  • Flocculation: Low
  • Attenuation: 77-83%
  • Temperature Range: 6578 °F / 1826 °C
  • Alcohol Tolerance: 12%
  • Haze: Low
  • Phenolic Off-Flavor: Positive
  • Diastatic: Positive
  • Dry, French, Saison

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 2 in
Package Size


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