One of the world’s most prominent lager strains. Sports a versatile malty profile with light esters at a wide fermentation range. Maintain a more crisp profile by fermenting low or bring out slightly heightened esters at warmer temps (65–68°F). Avoid any hints of diacetyl and up your lager game.
Flocculation: Medium-Low
Attenuation: 73-77%
Temperature Range: 45–68° F (7–20° C)
Diastatic: No
Phenolic: No
Alcohol Tolerance: 9% ABV
Parent strain: Omega German Lager I (OYL-106)
+ PLUS: Sharpened tools for optimized brewing—familiar strains, bioengineered for optimized brewing. As we integrate more technologies to enhance our strains, you can expect the same flavor and aromatic specs, but now with enhanced capabilities to reach expectations most efficiently.
DKO: Diacetyl Knock Out — a technology that knocks out diacetyl formation before it starts. Each strain utilizing DKO technology expresses the ALDC enzyme, allowing you to streamline efficiency and quality.
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