One sip of Stargate Stout will lock in the code to an interstellar gateway and transport you through a cosmos of dark malt flavor. As you travel the void you’ll notice the absence of chocolate and black patent malts found in other stouts. This dark matter draught is clean with balanced bitterness.
Kit Includes:
- Liquid Malt Extract
- 1 x 8 lb pouch
- Pellet Hops
- Northern Brewer
- Goldings
- Steeping Grains
- Munich
- Carapils
- Roasted Barley
- Maltodextrin
- Grain Steeping Bag
- Wort Clarifier
- CellarScience™ CALI Yeast
- Priming Sugar is NOT Included
Beer Stats:
- OG: 1.060
- SRM: 43
- IBUs: 42
- ABV: 5.9%
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