Twin Lever Adjustable Hand Corker


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SKU: 1000938 Category:


The Easy corker has a unique spring mechanism that grabs the neck of the bottle and holds tight while the cork is inserted. Insert a cork into the plastic window and lower the handles. The depth of the cork can be adjusted by moving the 2 nuts on the top of the threaded shaft.

A metal hand corker that is one of the easiest hand corkers to operate.

  • Easy to replace the legs
  • Adjustable height
  • Works best with 30 #8 x 1.5″ Noma Corks with chamfered edges it also works with # 9 size corks.
  • Long handles provide good lever so corking is easy and not a painful task
  • Design to take less space than other hand corker. Folds compact for storage, unlike larger corkers.
  • All built in metal(except grips and legs).

* Do not use ASEPTOX to sanitize the metal parts as this will corrode the metal.

Video – How To Use


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