Edit 03/15/21: We decided to give away two more sets of booch bouquets! The rules of this one are the very similar to the rules of the last giveaway, but we will post them, including the changes, below.
The nitty-gritty update:
- No purchase necessary – from us or any of the kombucha brewers featured.
- Follow us on Instagram.
- Follow the kombucha brewers – we will tag all of them in every post.
- Comment on one or more of the photos labeled “#FHSBoochGiveaway” that we post on March 16th and 17th, 2021 and tag a friend you’d like to introduce or reintroduce to kombucha! Comments on other or older photos and shares of older or other photos are not eligible.
- Only one comment per photo is eligible, even if you make more than one per photo.
- You can comment (enter) on each photo, but you can only win one prize.
- You can gain one (1) extra entry by sharing the contest in your stories and tagging us and the kombucha companies.
- Winners will be decided at random from those who meet the criteria and we have to be able to see any stories you post and verify that you are following everyone.
- The giveaway will start at 9:00 am PDT on Tuesday March 16, 2021 and will close Wednesday, March 17, 2021 11:59 pm PDT.
- Odds of winning will depend on how many people comment/enter.
- Winners will be contacted by DM on Thursday March 18, 2021.
- You must be able to pick up your winnings at F.H. Steinbart Company in Portland, Oregon – we cannot ship these.
- You must pick up your winnings by Saturday March 27, 2021 and only during our normal operating hours of 9:00 am & 4:00 pm (PDT) Monday through Saturdays – we simply don’t have the space to hold winnings longer.
- Any winnings unclaimed by 4:01 pm on Saturday March 27, 2021 are forfeit.
- Any surrounding material (i.e. boxes, plants, art) in the photos is not part of the winnings.
- We cannot promise you exact flavors. The images are and will be examples only.
- You will get kombucha from each brewer, but (again) we cannot promise specific flavors from any one brewer.
- The two bouquets will be identical – otherwise, how could you do a video tasting together?
World Kombucha Day is TOMORROW, Feb 21st, and we are planning a celebration! We’ve got a couple of things going on, and part of our plans involve giving things away. Fun for everyone.
Over on our Instagram page, we will be giving away one of our deluxe kombucha-making kits, a kombucha-making kit and bottles from our friends at Happy Mountain Kombucha, and four sets of two “booch bouquets” (example image above) — one for you and one for you to give to a friend you want to introduce to kombucha! This way, you can taste together while tasting apart. (Because we still want everyone to stay safe!) All the giveaways will be on Sunday, Feb 21, 2021, also known as #WorldKombuchaDay 2021, from 9:00 am (PST) to 4:00 (PST).
The “booch bouquets” will be comprised of kombucha from five of our customers and friends:
There are, of course, some rules.
The nitty-gritty:
- No purchase necessary – from us or any of the kombucha brewers featured.
- Follow us on Instagram.
- Follow the kombucha brewers – we will tag all of them in every post.
- Comment on one or more photos we post labeled “#FHSBoochGiveaway” and tag a friend you’d like to introduce or reintroduce to kombucha!
- Only one comment per photo is eligible, even if you make more than one per photo.
- You can comment (enter) on each photo, but you can only win one prize.
- Winners will be decided at random from those who meet the criteria.
- The caption of each photo will clearly state when comments to win are closed.
- Each photo giveaway will be about one hour long.
- Odds of winning will depend on how many people comment/enter.
- Winners will be announced no later than 12:30 pm (PST) Monday Feb 22, 2021 – our goal is to announce each one before picking the next, but we cannot promise to be able to do so.
- You must be able to pick up your winnings at F.H. Steinbart Company in Portland, Oregon – we cannot ship these.
- You must pick up your winnings between Tuesday Feb 23, 2021 and Saturday Feb 27, 2021 during our normal operating hours of 9:00 am & 4:00 pm (PST) – we simply don’t have the space to hold winnings longer.
- Any winnings unclaimed by 4:01 pm on Saturday Feb 27, 2021 are forfeit.
- Any surrounding material (i.e. boxes, plants, art) in the photos is not part of the winnings.
- We cannot promise you exact flavors. The images are and will be examples only.
- You will get kombucha from each brewer, but (again) we cannot promise specific flavors from any one brewer.
- The two bouquets will be identical – otherwise, how could you do a video tasting together?
- Only one kit per winner (unlike the booch bouquets)