White Labs Clarity Ferm 10ml


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SKU: 1102281 Categories: ,


Clarity Ferm is an easy-to-use enzyme that eliminates chill haze in beer and serves as an alternative for clarifying and stabilizing the appearance of beer. Additional benefits also include cost savings for breweries, enhanced efficiencies, and innovation proven to reduce gluten. While the enzyme helps break down the sensitive (haze-active) polypeptides that create chill haze, its reaction is very specific, so you can rest assured that no other beer parameters (i.e. flavor, aroma) will be affected. Clarity Ferm may be used in combination with all types of brewing materials. Simply add when pitching yeast, and Clarity Ferm will do its work during fermentation. Once fermentation is complete, the possibility of chill haze occurring will be eliminated and you will have a stable and clear beer. In addition to eliminating chill haze, Clarity Ferm significantly reduces the gluten content in beers made with barley and wheat. Clarity Ferm treated beer made from barley or wheat will typically test below 20 ppm of gluten, which is the international threshold for brewing considered “gluten-free.” White Labs also offers gluten testing for beers. While this test allows brewers to know the gluten level of their beers, the values may not be used on packaging labels until the FDA completes its own validation.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 1 in
Package Size


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